discord.py check if there is a mass join (raid)(discord.py 检查是否有大规模加入(raid))
Cooldown mapping | Discord.py(冷却映射 |不和谐.py)
Get the number of boosts in a server discord.py(获取服务器 discord.py 中的提升次数)
discord.py trying to remove all roles from a user(discord.py 试图删除用户的所有角色)
Check if user is in a voice channel discord.py(检查用户是否在语音频道 discord.py)
Finding author of a message(查找消息的作者)
How do you assign roles with the discord.py rewrite?(您如何通过 discord.py 重写分配角色?)
discord.py emoji all servers bot in(discord.py emoji 所有服务器机器人)
How do I create aliases in discord.py cogs?(如何在 discord.py cogs 中创建别名?)
How to play the next Song after first finished Discord Bot(首次完成 Discord Bot 后如何播放下一首歌曲)