(discord.py) Is there any way for the on_message event to look into an embedded rather than a normal message?((discord.py) 有没有办法让 on_message 事件查看嵌入式消息而不是普通消息?)
Discord.py Invalid arguments inside member.server_default_channel(Discord.py member.server_default_channel 中的参数无效)
discord.py bot getting cooldown time remaining of command(discord.py bot 获得命令的剩余冷却时间)
making a bot respond to an image using discord.py(使用 discord.py 让机器人响应图像)
TypeError: Object of type TextIOWrapper is not JSON serializable(TypeError:TextIOWrapper 类型的对象不是 JSON 可序列化的)
Discord python on role grant event(Discord python关于角色授予事件)
Python - Adding channel to category(Python - 将频道添加到类别)
Python message.content discord bot(Python message.content 不和谐机器人)
discord.py and youtube_dl, quot;Read errorquot; and quot;The session has been invalidated for some reasonquot;(discord.py 和 youtube_dl,“读取错误;和“会话因某种原因已失效)
Python discord bot leave voice channel(Python discord bot 离开语音频道)