403 Forbidden (error code: 50001): Missing Access when adding role | discord.py(403 Forbidden(错误代码:50001):添加角色时缺少访问权限 |不和谐.py)
Error loading discord bot on startup. hosted through repl.it(启动时加载不和谐机器人时出错.通过 repl.it 托管)
discord.py check if there is a mass join (raid)(discord.py 检查是否有大规模加入(raid))
How to setup ffmpeg for discord.py on windows 10(如何在 Windows 10 上为 discord.py 设置 ffmpeg)
How to crop an image to a shape for eg. circle using Pillow in Discord.py?(如何将图像裁剪为例如形状.在 Discord.py 中使用 Pillow 圈?)
How to get a user#39;s avatar with their id in discord.py?(如何在 discord.py 中获取带有 id 的用户头像?)
Cooldown mapping | Discord.py(冷却映射 |不和谐.py)
Message not sending because of a quot;BAD REQUESTquot; with discord.py(由于“错误请求而未发送消息与不和谐.py)
discord.py emoji all servers bot in(discord.py emoji 所有服务器机器人)
get_user(id) cant find user - returns None (self bot discord.py)(get_user(id) 找不到用户 - 返回无(self bot discord.py))