How to use discord python bot with proxy?(如何使用带代理的不和谐 python 机器人?)
How can I properly parse for a tagged user in my Discord bot?(如何正确解析我的 Discord 机器人中的标记用户?)
Is there any way to send a friend request with discord.py?(有没有办法用 discord.py 发送好友请求?)
How to make a discord bot add you as friend(如何让不和谐的机器人加你为朋友)
Give and remove roles with a bot, Discord.py(使用机器人 Discord.py 授予和删除角色)
Finding a user by their username#discrim(通过用户名查找用户#discrim)
Get the user who triggered the on_raw_reaction_remove(payload)(获取触发 on_raw_reaction_remove(payload) 的用户)
How do I make my command only ban the user in one guild(如何让我的命令只禁止一个公会中的用户)
NameError: name #39;client#39; is not defined How exactly do I fix this? (discord bot)(NameError: name client is not defined 我该如何解决这个问题?(不和谐机器人))
Programming a Discord bot in Python- Why is it unable to set embed images?(用 Python 编写 Discord 机器人 - 为什么它无法设置嵌入图像?)