

403 Forbidden (error code: 50001): Missing Access when adding role | discord.py(403 Forbidden(错误代码:50001):添加角色时缺少访问权限 |不和谐.py)
Is there a way to do a check for pinned messages, and only purge a certain members messages using discord.py?(有没有办法检查固定的消息,并且只使用 discord.py 清除某些成员的消息?)
How to use discord python bot with proxy?(如何使用带代理的不和谐 python 机器人?)
Discord.py get message embed(Discord.py 获取消息嵌入)
Discord bot listen to commands on specific channel(Discord bot 侦听特定频道上的命令)
Discord does not embed link when sent by my bot(当我的机器人发送时,Discord 没有嵌入链接)
How to use commands only when a current command is triggered?(如何仅在触发当前命令时使用命令?)
How can I properly parse for a tagged user in my Discord bot?(如何正确解析我的 Discord 机器人中的标记用户?)
discord.py embed youtube video without just pasting link(discord.py 嵌入 youtube 视频而无需粘贴链接)
Is there any way to send a friend request with discord.py?(有没有办法用 discord.py 发送好友请求?)