How to zip Align APK file in android?(如何在android中压缩对齐APK文件?)
Beta version in Android play store. Where#39;s the opt-in link for testers?(Android Play 商店中的 Beta 版.测试人员的选择加入链接在哪里?)
Is there a way to give promo/coupon codes for people to download your app for free?(有没有办法为人们免费下载您的应用程序提供促销/优惠券代码?)
In-App Billing Security and Design questions(应用内计费安全和设计问题)
Does IntelliJ IDEA publish an Android app with one click?(IntelliJ IDEA 是否可以一键发布 Android 应用?)
Best time/day to publish to Android Market?(发布到 Android Market 的最佳时间/日期?)
How android app can detect what store installed it?(android 应用程序如何检测安装它的商店?)
Expansion files in the new Google Play developer console(新版 Google Play 开发者控制台中的扩展文件)
Google Play Store Internal Test cannot start roll out(Google Play 商店内部测试无法开始推出)
Force users to have last app version in Android(强制用户在 Android 中拥有最新的应用版本)