Android market publishing: #39;android:icon#39; attribute: attribute is not a string value(Android 市场发布:android:icon 属性:属性不是字符串值)
Change signing key, keep packagename(更改签名密钥,保留包名)
In the BillingService module, what needs to be modified to increase security?(在 BillingService 模块中,需要修改什么来增加安全性?)
App is incompatible with all devices after publishing to the Market but same was working when moved directly to the device(应用程序发布到市场后与所有设备不兼容,但直接移动到设备时相同)
Exclude non-NXP Android phones with NFC (like the Nexus 4/10)(排除带有 NFC 的非 NXP Android 手机(如 Nexus 4/10))
Can a system app be updated?(可以更新系统应用程序吗?)
Can I hide my application in Google Play Store?(我可以在 Google Play 商店中隐藏我的应用程序吗?)
Transaction ID for google play to transfer app to another account(google play 将应用转移到另一个帐户的交易 ID)
Google Play developer console: beta test paid apps for free?(Google Play 开发者控制台:免费测试付费应用?)
Notify user within app that a new version is available(通知应用内的用户有新版本可用)