

LVL behavior on client side license validity check for free apps(免费应用程序的客户端许可证有效性检查的 LVL 行为)
App not showing on Android Market even though published and activated(即使已发布并激活,应用程序也未在 Android Market 上显示)
My app does not appear in the android market of my Samsung Galaxy S phone(我的应用程序没有出现在我的三星 Galaxy S 手机的安卓市场中)
TBMP Skeleton: Why are both onTurnBasedMatchReceived and onInvitationReceived not called on my physical device?(TBMP Skeleton:为什么我的物理设备上没有调用 onTurnBasedMatchReceived 和 onInvitationReceived?)
What should be the largestWidthLimitDp for Phone only app (Do not support Tablet)(仅电话应用程序的最大宽度限制 Dp 应该是多少(不支持平板电脑))
I lost my keystore, I can#39;t upgrade my app in the market(我丢失了我的密钥库,我无法在市场上升级我的应用程序)
Violation of the Permissions policy in google play(违反 google play 的权限政策)
Pushing an update to Google Play that will replace the existing app(向 Google Play 推送更新,以替换现有应用)
Zero supported devices results on google play store(Google Play 商店中支持的设备为零)
Force users to have last app version in Android(强制用户在 Android 中拥有最新的应用版本)