在 Android 开发者页面 (http://developer.android.com/guide/publishing/app-signing.html) 上有一个关于发布的教程,它说应用程序必须编译为 unsigned 应用程序,必须使用 keytool
生成私钥,然后使用 jarsigner
On Android developer's page (http://developer.android.com/guide/publishing/app-signing.html) there is a tutorial on publishing which says that an app has to be compiled as an unsigned app, a private key must be generated with keytool
then signed with jarsigner
我们如何使用 IntelliJ 创建未签名的应用程序?
How do we create an unsigned app with IntelliJ?
或者,我们可以通过Tools->Android->Export Signed Android Package
Alternatively, can we do all these steps via Tools->Android->Export Signed Android Package
新的 IDEA 版本有一个选项可以在 Android Facet 设置,编译器选项卡中生成未签名的 APK:
New IDEA versions have an option to generate unsigned APK in the Android Facet settings, Compiler tab:
但是,如果您使用导出签名的 Android 包功能,则不需要这样做:
However you don't need to do that if you use the Export Signed Android Package feature:
工具 |安卓 |导出已签名的 Android 包
Tools | Android | Export Signed Android Package
will generate the release version of your application signed with the release key and ready for Market.
您还可以创建一个批处理文件,对未签名的 APK 进行签名,并将其配置为 IDEA 中的 External Tool
You can also create a batch file that will sign the unsigned APK and configure it as an External Tool
in IDEA so that you can generate it in one click or via keyboard shortcut (if you are OK with a batch file containing your keystore passwords in open text).
I use such script to generate the signed APK, upload it to a phone and start the main Activity to perform application testing, it has the following sequence of actions:
adb 安装
adb 开始
EDIT 2013/2/8:导出签名 APK 的选项现在位于 Top Menu >构建>生成签名的 APK
(IntelliJ IDEA 12)
EDIT 2013/2/8: The option to export a Signed APK is now under Top Menu > Build > Generate Signed APK
(IntelliJ IDEA 12)
IDEA 12 有更好的方法通过工件来实现,配置如下:
IDEA 12 has even better way to do it via artifact, configured like this:
Then use Build
| Build Artifacts when you need to make a release version.
这篇关于IntelliJ IDEA 是否可以一键发布 Android 应用?的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持编程学习网!