How to use NuGet packages with an ASP.NET Website on CI Server(如何在 CI 服务器上将 NuGet 包与 ASP.NET 网站一起使用)
An error occurred while retrieving package metadata for ***(检索 *** 的包元数据时出错)
NuGet fails to find existing package(NuGet 找不到现有包)
.NET Package Management(.NET 包管理)
Unable to run Google Cloud PubSub in c#, DLL problems(无法在 C# 中运行 Google Cloud PubSub,DLL 问题)
How to specify output folder for the referenced nuget packages?(如何为引用的 nuget 包指定输出文件夹?)
How to exclude a package from a Class Library NuGet package?(如何从类库 NuGet 包中排除包?)
NuGet Cache And Versioning Issues(NuGet 缓存和版本控制问题)
Embedding debugging information to the build does not include any debugging symbols(将调试信息嵌入到构建中不包含任何调试符号)
Copy nuget package content file (of type .exe) to output directory of project using that nuget package(使用该 nuget 包将 nuget 包内容文件(.exe 类型)复制到项目的输出目录)