Setting the Package Credentials using Nuget Core DLL(使用 Nuget Core DLL 设置包凭据)
Why do I still need the MySQL Connector installed on the computer despite having the proper NuGet packages?(尽管有正确的 NuGet 包,为什么我仍需要在计算机上安装 MySQL 连接器?)
How to create nuget package with msbuild without rebuilding project?(如何在不重建项目的情况下使用 msbuild 创建 nuget 包?)
NuGet: Necessary to reference implicit dependencies?(NuGet:需要引用隐式依赖项?)
Binding redirect for System.Net.Http doesn#39;t work - why?(System.Net.Http 的绑定重定向不起作用 - 为什么?)
Nuget package update issues(Nuget 包更新问题)
Ignore duplicates when pushing nuget package to nuget.org from VSTS(从 VSTS 将 nuget 包推送到 nuget.org 时忽略重复项)
Nuget: Migrating multiple large Solutions to PackageReference(Nuget:将多个大型解决方案迁移到 PackageReference)
Embedding debugging information to the build does not include any debugging symbols(将调试信息嵌入到构建中不包含任何调试符号)
Copy nuget package content file (of type .exe) to output directory of project using that nuget package(使用该 nuget 包将 nuget 包内容文件(.exe 类型)复制到项目的输出目录)