

Failed to add NuGet package(添加 NuGet 包失败)
NLog giving exception Possible explanation is lack of zero arg and single arg Common.Logging.Configuration.NameValueCollection constructors(NLog 给出异常可能的解释是缺少零参数和单个参数 Common.Logging.Configuration.NameValueCollection 构造函数)
Which NuGet package contains System.Web.Routing?(哪个 NuGet 包包含 System.Web.Routing?)
Setting the Package Credentials using Nuget Core DLL(使用 Nuget Core DLL 设置包凭据)
404 on nuget packages link(nuget 包链接上的 404)
Projects with same nuget package referencing different version of assembly(具有相同 nuget 包的项目引用不同版本的程序集)
DotNetOpenAuth causing a can not load Assembly System.Web.WebPages.Razor(DotNetOpenAuth 导致无法加载 Assembly System.Web.WebPages.Razor)
#39;Portable.BouncyCastle#39; already has a dependency defined for #39;System.Collections#39;(“Portable.BouncyCastle已经为“System.Collections定义了一个依赖项)
Sharing data between apps in Xamarin Forms(在 Xamarin Forms 中的应用之间共享数据)
Include Unmanaged DLL from Nuget package to web Deploy package(将 Nuget 包中的非托管 DLL 包含到 Web 部署包中)