如果您尝试此链接上的表格 http://jsfiddle.net/Matt_KP/BwmzQ/ 小提琴并选择右上角的 40 英镑单选按钮,然后在底部看到订单总额为 40 英镑.然后,如果您选择 75 英镑,订单总额将变为 75 英镑,但如果您返回并再次检查 40 英镑,则订单总额为 75 英镑 + 40 英镑,而选中的单选按钮应该仅为 40 英镑.
If you try the form on this link http://jsfiddle.net/Matt_KP/BwmzQ/ the fiddle and select the top right £40 radio button then see the order total at the bottom it says £40. Then if you select the £75 the order total changes to £75 but then if you go back and check the £40 again the order total is £75 + £40 when it should just be £40 for the radio button that is checked.
I have a section with Radio buttons where only certain radio buttons can be checked if others are selected. So say if a user selected one Radio Button but then selected another the first Radio Button would become unselected as they cannot have both selected.
我还在单选按钮中使用了一个名为 data-price
Also I am using a custom attribute in the radio buttons called data-price
which holds the value of each radio button that needs to be added toghther.
The problem is when a user selects a Radio Button the total shows fine but then if the user selects another radio button that can't have the previous one selected it adds the total onto the previous one where it should only add the Radio Buttons that are checked. It is kind of like caching the totals I think.
This is what I am using to total the checked Radio Buttons:
<script type="text/javascript">
var total = 0.0;
total += parseFloat($(this).data('price'));
我认为你的大部分问题都可以通过一些新的 HTML 来规避......
I think the majority of your issues can be circumvented with some new HTML....
你的 crazy jQuery 代码来限制输入是荒谬的.. 你有名称、价值和你的数据价格属性...分割每个无线电设置项目对我来说似乎有点矫枉过正..
Your crazy jQuery code to limit the input is ridiculous.. you have name, value, and your data-price attributes... splitting each radio set up by item seems a little overkill to me..
Here is a limited example (as per our discussion in the chat).
http://jsfiddle.net/CZpnD/ <- 这是您可以使用的示例..
http://jsfiddle.net/CZpnD/ <- here is the example you can work from..
the main things to look at are how I used the same radio name for each "block" of options, and how I loop through all options when a single option is changed to get the new total (not the most efficient but it works).
and for the love of pete use labels!