Deinit never called(Deinit 从未调用过)
Prevent automatic popToRootViewController on double-tap of UITabBarController(防止双击 UITabBarController 时自动 popToRootViewController)
No Swipe Back when hiding Navigation Bar in UINavigationController(在 UINavigationController 中隐藏导航栏时不向后滑动)
Completion handler for UINavigationController quot;pushViewController:animatedquot;?(UINavigationController“pushViewController:animated的完成处理程序?)
How to add 2 buttons into the UINavigationbar on the right side without IB?(如何在没有IB的情况下将2个按钮添加到右侧的UINavigationbar?)
Dark shadow on navigation bar during segue transition after upgrading to Xcode 5.1 and iOS 7.1(升级到 Xcode 5.1 和 iOS 7.1 后,在 segue 过渡期间导航栏上出现暗影)
self.title sets navigationController and tabBarItem#39;s title? Why?(self.title 设置navigationController 和tabBarItem 的标题?为什么?)
iPhone UINavigation Issue - nested push animation can result in corrupted navigation bar(iPhone UINavigation 问题 - 嵌套推送动画可能导致导航栏损坏)
Disable swipe back gesture in Swift(在 Swift 中禁用向后滑动手势)
How to subclass UINavigationBar for a UINavigationController programmatically?(如何以编程方式为 UINavigationController 子类化 UINavigationBar?)