

Auto-Linking framework not found(未找到自动链接框架)
Can I include a framework in another framework?(我可以在另一个框架中包含一个框架吗?)
Xcode6 Creating Fat Static Library iOS Universal Framework(Xcode6 创建 Fat 静态库 iOS 通用框架)
iOS framework/library for presenting Powerpoint slides?(用于演示 Powerpoint 幻灯片的 iOS 框架/库?)
How to build Cocoa Touch Framework for i386 and x86_64 architecture?(如何为 i386 和 x86_64 架构构建 Cocoa Touch 框架?)
umbrella header for module #39;myFramework#39; does not include header #39;otherFramework.h#39;(模块“myFramework的伞头文件不包括标题“otherFramework.h)
Xcode 5 Framework/Library Search Path Absolute Address(Xcode 5 框架/库搜索路径绝对地址)
Build Cocoa application Bundle with private dylib/framework(使用私有 dylib/framework 构建 Cocoa 应用程序包)
Could i build a ARC framework and use it in a non-ARC project?(我可以构建一个 ARC 框架并在非 ARC 项目中使用它吗?)
Xcode 6 Error - quot;Missing Required Architecture i386quot; When Building for iOS Simulator(Xcode 6 错误 - “缺少所需的架构 i386为 iOS 模拟器构建时)