

UIView notification when modal UIImagePickerController is dismissed?(模态 UIImagePickerController 被解除时的 UIView 通知?)
Popup/modal picker for a text field in iOS 7(iOS 7中文本字段的弹出/模式选择器)
SwiftUI: Clear Modal state or Reinitialize(SwiftUI:清除模态状态或重新初始化)
iPhone: How to do a presentModalViewController animation from left to right(iPhone:如何从左到右做一个presentModalViewController动画)
What is the proper way to dismiss a modal when using storyboards?(使用情节提要时关闭模式的正确方法是什么?)
iOS 6: Parent modal#39;s modalPresentationStyle ignored after rotation(iOS 6:旋转后忽略父模式的 modalPresentationStyle)
What is the modal selection selection mode?(什么是模态选择选择模式?)
How to change Modal background color to transparent in Objective-C(如何在 Objective-C 中将模态背景颜色更改为透明)
Custom Modal Window with Block Completion Handler(具有块完成处理程序的自定义模式窗口)
is there a way to perform UIModalTransitionStyleCoverHORIZONTAL (not FlipHorizontal)?(有没有办法执行 UIModalTransitionStyleCoverHORIZONTAL(不是 FlipHorizo​​ntal)?)