这是我的问题:我有两个图像:flakeImage 和 ViewToRotate.我想要的是,如果 flakeImage 触及 ViewToRotate,ViewToRotate.alpha=0.5;但是当 FlakeImage 出现在屏幕上时 ViewToRotate.alpha=0.5;不碰它.我认为这是我的观点有问题,因为我有:
Well here is my problem: I have two images : flakeImage and ViewToRotate. What I want is that if flakeImage touches ViewToRotate, ViewToRotate.alpha=0.5; but when FlakeImage appears on the screen ViewToRotate.alpha=0.5; without touching it. I think it's a problem with my view beacause I have :
UIImageView* flakeView = [[UIImageView alloc] initWithImage:flakeImage];
UIImageView* flakeView = [[UIImageView alloc] initWithImage:flakeImage];
// use the random() function to randomize up our flake attributes
int startY = round(random() % 320);
// set the flake start position
flakeView.center = CGPointMake(490, startY);
flakeView.alpha = 1;
// put the flake in our main view
[self.view addSubview:flakeView];
[UIView beginAnimations:nil context:flakeView];
// set up how fast the flake will fall
[UIView setAnimationDuration:7 ];
// set the postion where flake will move to
flakeView.center = viewToRotate.center;
// set a stop callback so we can cleanup the flake when it reaches the
// end of its animation
[UIView setAnimationDelegate:self];
[UIView commitAnimations];
How can I solve this please ? if someone could help me it would be very cool.
CGRect 有交集功能.UIViews 的框架是 CGRects.
CGRect has a intersection function. The frames of UIViews are CGRects.
if (CGRectIntersectsRect(view1.frame, view2.frame) == 1)
NSLog(@"The views intersect");
NSLog(@"The views do not intersect");
The problem I foresee is that if the rects have lots of whitespace, they will appear to intersect before they actually touch
Secondly, you should switch up to block animations. It's strongly encouraged
UIImageView* flakeView = [[[UIImageView alloc] initWithImage:flakeImage] autorelease];
// use the random() function to randomize up our flake attributes
int startY = round(random() % 320);
// set the flake start position
flakeView.center = CGPointMake(490, startY);
flakeView.alpha = 1;
// put the flake in our main view
[self.view addSubview:flakeView];
[UIView animateWithDuration:.7
animations:^ {
// set the postion where flake will move to
flakeView.center = viewToRotate.center;
Did this all from memory, no idea if there are errors.
a^2 + b^2
c^2 表示它们碰撞
a^2 + b^2 < c^2 means they collide
if(pow(view2.frame.origin.x - view1.frame.origin.x, 2) +
pow(view2.frame.origin.y - view1.frame.origin.y, 2) <
pow(view1.frame.size.width/2, 2))
//no collision
Again, all from memory, check for errors on your own