

SQL revising table data to a more compact form(SQL 将表数据修改为更紧凑的形式)
Converting varchar to decimal in sql server 2008(在 sql server 2008 中将 varchar 转换为十进制)
How to execute a stored procedure after it is created?(存储过程创建后如何执行?)
Generate random tokens (unique id#39;s) for users in a table in SQL server(为 SQL Server 表中的用户生成随机令牌(唯一 ID))
TSQL to return what exists(TSQL 返回存在的内容)
@@TRANCOUNT and a current connection(@@TRANCOUNT 和当前连接)
SQL Server user defined function to calculate age bracket(SQL Server 用户定义函数来计算年龄段)
Selecting rows based on minimum value of one column(根据一列的最小值选择行)
Script to update a column(更新列的脚本)
Limit xml-namespaces to only the main root(将 xml-namespaces 限制为仅主根)