

Storyboard - UITabBarController(故事板 - UITabBarController)
Check if iOS app is live in app store(检查iOS应用是否在应用商店中)
Release textures (GLKTextureInfo objects) allocated by GLKTextureLoader(释放由 GLKTextureLoader 分配的纹理(GLKTextureInfo 对象))
iOS - how do I create a quot;utilityquot; class that all my controllers can call(iOS - 如何创建“实用程序?我的所有控制器都可以调用的类)
How to check if a view controller can perform a segue(如何检查视图控制器是否可以执行转场)
iOS: UISplitViewController cannot be pushed to UINavigationController(iOS:UISplitViewController 无法推送到 UINavigationController)
Present UIPopoverController in same position with changing just arrow offset(将 UIPopoverController 呈现在相同位置,仅更改箭头偏移量)
performSegueWithIdentifier and sharedData(performSegueWithIdentifier 和 sharedData)
selecting alternative first view controller from story board at application startup(在应用程序启动时从情节提要中选择替代的第一个视图控制器)
Pros and cons of using storyboards(使用故事板的优点和缺点)