Application windows are expected to have a root view controller at the end of application launch - even with all known issues fixed(应用程序窗口应该在应用程序启动结束时有一个根视图控制器 - 即使所有已知问题都已修复)
iOS 5 Black screen after segue(转场后 iOS 5 黑屏)
What is the difference between a .xib file and a .storyboard?(.xib 文件和 .storyboard 有什么区别?)
weak or strong for IBOutlet and other(IBOutlet 和其他的弱或强)
How to add a footer to a UITableView in Storyboard(如何在 Storyboard 中向 UITableView 添加页脚)
What are the advantages and disadvantages of using ARC?(使用 ARC 的优缺点是什么?)
How pass data in seque ios5 storyboard uitableview to detail view(如何将序列 ios5 故事板 uitableview 中的数据传递到详细视图)
Pass data back to the previous controller(将数据传回前一个控制器)
iOS5 NSURLConnection methods deprecated(不推荐使用 iOS5 NSURLConnection 方法)
Can anybody help me in recording iPhone output sound through Audio Unit(谁能帮我通过音频单元录制 iPhone 输出的声音)