iPhone- Twitter API GET Users Followers/Following(iPhone- Twitter API 获取用户关注者/关注者)
Core Image CIColorControls brightness filter creates wrong effect. How do I change my image#39;s luminance?(Core Image CIColorControls 亮度滤镜会产生错误的效果.如何更改图像的亮度?)
Shared instance of NSHTTPCookieStorage does not persist cookies(NSHTTPCookieStorage 的共享实例不保留 cookie)
OAuth Authentication Iphone(OAuth认证iPhone)
Modal view controller won#39;t dismiss itself(模态视图控制器不会自行关闭)
#39;Supported orientations has no common orientation with the application, and shouldAutorotate is returning YES#39;(支持的方向与应用程序没有共同的方向,并且 shouldAutorotate 返回 YES)
geocoding address into coordinates in iphone(将地址地理编码为iphone中的坐标)
Infinite loop when overriding initWithCoder(覆盖 initWithCoder 时的无限循环)
Xcode 4.2: Error 0xC002 when trying to use a jailbroken iPhone 3G for development(Xcode 4.2:尝试使用越狱的 iPhone 3G 进行开发时出现错误 0xC002)
UILocalNotification is supposed to repeat every weekday, but fires on weekends as well(UILocalNotification 应该在每个工作日重复,但也会在周末触发)