Using CoreImage to filter an image results in image rotation(使用 CoreImage 过滤图像会导致图像旋转)
Access Settings app in iOS(iOS 中的访问设置应用程序)
How to load multiple storyboard files depending on iOS version? (5 and 6)(如何根据 iOS 版本加载多个故事板文件?(5和6))
How to cancel/exit/stop execution of Thread object or thread running in background in IOS(如何在IOS中取消/退出/停止线程对象或后台运行的线程的执行)
Is it possible to animate an UIImage?(是否可以为 UIImage 设置动画?)
Smooth video looping in iOS(iOS 中流畅的视频循环播放)
How to pass data back from one view to other View in IOS?(如何将数据从一个视图传回IOS中的另一个视图?)
iOS 6 UIGestures (Tap) stops working with QLPreviewController(iOS 6 UIGestures (Tap) 停止使用 QLPreviewController)
iOS - Create an Popover View using StoryBoard(iOS - 使用 StoryBoard 创建弹出视图)
Creating an image out of the ios surface and saving it(从 ios 表面创建图像并保存)