

Calabash Android: how to send app to the background (simulate device/hardware Home button)?(Calabash Android:如何将应用程序发送到后台(模拟设备/硬件主页按钮)?)
Best practice for setting up an automated build server for iphone apps?(为 iphone 应用程序设置自动构建服务器的最佳实践?)
Instrumentation run failed due to #39;Process crashed.#39;(由于“进程崩溃,检测运行失败.)
openDrawer from espresso contrib is deprecated(espresso contrib 中的 openDrawer 已弃用)
iOS Automated Tests - XCTest vs Appium(iOS 自动化测试 - XCTest 与 Appium)
How about UI automation testing for iOS app with instruments amp; Javascripts(使用仪器和工具对 iOS 应用程序进行 UI 自动化测试怎么样?Javascript)
Android Gradle task: connectedInstrumentTest for Release Build?(Android Gradle 任务:用于发布构建的 connectedInstrumentTest?)
How to mock location service using KIF-framework(如何使用 KIF 框架模拟位置服务)
Unable to get the elements in uiautomator tool when the app is running on the device(应用在设备上运行时无法获取 uiautomator 工具中的元素)
How to continue testing an iOS app, using UIAutomation instrument, even after the app exits?(即使在应用退出后,如何使用 UIAutomation 工具继续测试 iOS 应用?)