Child class of EditText looks different than normal EditText on Android 4(EditText 的子类看起来与 Android 4 上的普通 EditText 不同)
Align ImageView with EditText horizontally(将 ImageView 与 EditText 水平对齐)
Highlight Textview Using EditText(使用 EditText 突出显示 Textview)
Android - Soft Keyboard pushes layout of my activity out of screen(Android - 软键盘将我的活动布局推到屏幕外)
How to get text from EditText?(如何从 EditText 获取文本?)
editText is not losing focus(editText 没有失去焦点)
Edit Text key listener(编辑文本键侦听器)
How to make Android EditText expand vertically when full(如何使Android EditText在满时垂直扩展)
How to change EditText cursor height?(如何更改 EditText 光标高度?)
OnEditorActionListener not working(OnEditorActionListener 不工作)