TSql 复杂枢轴

TSql Complex Pivot(TSql 复杂枢轴)
本文介绍了TSql 复杂枢轴的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!



I have a table like this...

LEVEL        Action         Date             User
1            Approve        01/01/2013       User1
2            Approve        02/01/2013       User2
3            Rejected       03/01/2013       User3
1            Approve        04/01/2013       User1
2            Approve        05/01/2013       User2
3            Approve        06/01/2013       User3
.                .              .              .
.                .              .              .
.                .              .              .


这可以使用 PIVOT 吗?

Is this possible using PIVOT?

LEVEL1 - User 1           LEVEL2 - User 2                  LEVEL3 - User 3
01/01/2013 - Approve      02/01/2013 - Approve             03/01/2013 - Rejected
04/01/2013 - Approve      05/01/2013 - Approve             06/01/2013 - Approve
         .                        .                                .
         .                        .                                .



是的,这可以使用 PIVOT 函数,我首先建议查看查询的硬编码版本,以便在移动到动态版本之前查看查询的编写方式查询.

Yes, this can be done using the PIVOT function, I would first suggest looking at a hard-coded version of the query so you can see how the query is written before moving to a dynamic version of the query.


A static version will be similar to the following:

select [Level1 - User1], [Level2 - User2], [Level3 - User3]
  select 'Level'+cast(level as varchar(1)) + ' - '+ [user] col, 
    convert(varchar(10), date, 101) +' - '+ action value,
    row_number() over(partition by level order by [user], date) rn
  from yt
) d
  for col in ([Level1 - User1], [Level2 - User2], [Level3 - User3])
) piv;

参见 SQL Fiddle with Demo.您会注意到 leveluser 列被连接以创建新列,而 dateaction连接起来为每列创建值.我还添加了一个 row_number() 来为每一行创建一个唯一值,这在您在 PIVOT 中应用聚合函数时非常重要.如果你不使用它,那么你将只得到一行.

See SQL Fiddle with Demo. You will notice that the level and user columns are concatenated to create the new columns, and the date and action are concatenated to create the value for each column. I also added a row_number() to create a unique value for each row, this will be important when you apply the aggregate function in the PIVOT. If you do not use this, then you will get only one row as a result.


Since you now have a working version, this can be converted to a dynamic version easily:

    @query  AS NVARCHAR(MAX)

select @cols = STUFF((SELECT distinct ',' + QUOTENAME('Level'+cast(level as varchar(1)) + ' - '+ [user]) 
                    from yt
            FOR XML PATH(''), TYPE
            ).value('.', 'NVARCHAR(MAX)') 

set @query = 'SELECT ' + @cols + ' from 
                select ''Level''+cast(level as varchar(1)) + '' - ''+ [user] col, 
                  convert(varchar(10), date, 101) +'' - ''+ action value,
                  row_number() over(partition by level order by [user], date) rn
                from yt
            ) x
                for col in (' + @cols + ')
            ) p '


参见 SQL Fiddle with Demo.两者的结果都是:

See SQL Fiddle with Demo. The result for both is:

|       LEVEL1 - USER1 |       LEVEL2 - USER2 |        LEVEL3 - USER3 |
| 01/01/2013 - Approve | 02/01/2013 - Approve | 03/01/2013 - Rejected |
| 04/01/2013 - Approve | 05/01/2013 - Approve |  06/01/2013 - Approve |

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