在 Windows 8 桌面应用程序上使用 MediaCapture

Use MediaCapture on a Windows 8 desktop app(在 Windows 8 桌面应用程序上使用 MediaCapture)
本文介绍了在 Windows 8 桌面应用程序上使用 MediaCapture的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


在 Windows 8 桌面应用程序上,我需要使用 C# 4.5 中的相机拍照.

On a Windows 8 desktop app, I need to take a photo using the camera in C# 4.5.

我尝试使用 CameraCaptureUI 类,但它在桌面应用程序上不可用.

I've tried to use the CameraCaptureUI class, but it is not available on a desktop app.

所以我尝试使用适用于 Metro 应用程序或桌面应用程序的 MediaCapture 类.根据此处找到的示例,它效果很好:http://code.msdn.microsoft.com/windowsapps/media-capture-sample-adf87622/

So I try to use the MediaCapture class, which is available for Metro app or desktop app. It works great, based on the example found here : http://code.msdn.microsoft.com/windowsapps/media-capture-sample-adf87622/

var capture = new MediaCapture();
// Find the camera device id to use
string deviceId = "";
var devices = await Windows.Devices.Enumeration.DeviceInformation.FindAllAsync(Windows.Devices.Enumeration.DeviceClass.VideoCapture);
for (var i = 0; i < devices.Count; i++) {
     deviceId = devices[i].Id;

// init the settings of the capture
var settings = new MediaCaptureInitializationSettings();
settings.AudioDeviceId = "";
settings.VideoDeviceId = deviceId;
settings.PhotoCaptureSource = Windows.Media.Capture.PhotoCaptureSource.Photo;
settings.StreamingCaptureMode = Windows.Media.Capture.StreamingCaptureMode.Video;
await capture.InitializeAsync(settings);

// Find the highest resolution available
VideoEncodingProperties resolutionMax = null;
int max = 0;
var resolutions = capture.VideoDeviceController.GetAvailableMediaStreamProperties(MediaStreamType.Photo);
for (var i = 0; i < resolutions.Count; i++) {
     VideoEncodingProperties res = (VideoEncodingProperties)resolutions[i];
     Console.WriteLine("resolution : " + res.Width + "x" + res.Height);
     if (res.Width * res.Height > max) {
          max = (int)(res.Width * res.Height);
          resolutionMax = res;
await capture.VideoDeviceController.SetMediaStreamPropertiesAsync(MediaStreamType.Photo, resolutionMax);

ImageEncodingProperties imageProperties = ImageEncodingProperties.CreateJpeg();
var fPhotoStream = new InMemoryRandomAccessStream();

// captureElement.Source = capture;
// await capture.StartPreviewAsync();

// Take the photo and show it on the screen
await capture.CapturePhotoToStreamAsync(imageProperties, fPhotoStream);
await fPhotoStream.FlushAsync();

byte[] bytes = new byte[fPhotoStream.Size];
await fPhotoStream.ReadAsync(bytes.AsBuffer(), (uint)fPhotoStream.Size, InputStreamOptions.None);

BitmapImage bitmapImage = new BitmapImage();
MemoryStream byteStream = new MemoryStream(bytes);
bitmapImage.StreamSource = byteStream;
image.Source = bitmapImage;

我可以使用相机拍照,但无法在拍照前显示预览.为了能够显示预览,我必须使用组件 CaptureElement,例如使用以下代码:

I can take a photo using the camera, but I'm unable to show a preview before taking the photo. To be able to show the preview, I have to use the component CaptureElement, for example with the following code :

captureElement.Source = mediaCapture;
await mediaCapture.startPreviewAsync();

很遗憾,我无法在非商店应用程序上使用 CaptureElement.我可以在 WPF 或 WinForm 应用程序中使用另一个组件来显示相机的预览吗?

Unfortunately, I cannot use a CaptureElement on a non store app. Is there another component that I can use in a WPF or WinForm app, to be able to show the preview of the camera ?


迟到的回复,但以防将来对人们有所帮助:在 WPF 中预览 MediaCapture 可以通过 D3DImage 和一些本机互操作完成(创建自定义 Media Foundation Sink,抓取 DirectX 11 纹理,将它们转换为 DirectX 9).它是一些代码,但可以封装,因此从 C# 调用它仍然很简单.这是一些代码示例:https://github.com/mmaitre314/MediaCaptureWPF

Late reply, but in case that helps folks in the future: previewing MediaCapture in WPF can be done via D3DImage and some native interop (create a custom Media Foundation Sink, grab DirectX 11 textures, convert them to DirectX 9). It is a bit of code but can be encapsulated so it is still simple to call from C#. Here is some code sample: https://github.com/mmaitre314/MediaCaptureWPF

这篇关于在 Windows 8 桌面应用程序上使用 MediaCapture的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持编程学习网!



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