I am using a Custom Attribute to define how a class's members are mapped to properties for posting as a form post (Payment Gateway). I have the custom attribute working just fine, and am able to get the attribute by "name", but would like to get the attribute by the member itself.
The plan is to write a method to serialize the class with members into a postable string.
这是我此时的测试代码,其中 ret 是一个字符串,PropertyMapping 是自定义属性:
Here's the test code I have at this point, where ret is a string and PropertyMapping is the custom attribute:
foreach (MemberInfo i in (typeof(CustomClass)).GetMember("Name"))
foreach (object at in i.GetCustomAttributes(true))
PropertyMapping map = at as PropertyMapping;
if (map != null)
ret += map.FieldName;
你不能真正做到这一点,除非你使用的是 C# 3.0,在这种情况下你需要依赖 LINQ(嗯,表达式树).
You can't really do this, unless you're using C# 3.0 in which case you'll need to rely on LINQ (ehm, expression trees).
您所做的是为 lambda 表达式创建一个虚拟方法,让编译器生成表达式树(编译器进行类型检查).然后你深入那棵树来获取成员.像这样:
What you do is that you create a dummy method for a lambda expression which lets the compiler generate the expression tree (compiler does the type checking). Then you dig into that tree to get the member. Like so:
static FieldInfo GetField<TType, TMemberType>(
Expression<Func<TType, TMemberType>> accessor)
var member = accessor.Body as MemberExpression;
if (member != null)
return member.Member as FieldInfo;
return null; // or throw exception...
class MyClass
public int a;
You can get the meta data like this:
// get FieldInfo of member 'a' in class 'MyClass'
var f = GetField((MyClass c) => c.a);
With a reference to that field you can then dig up any attribute the usual way. i.e. reflection.
static TAttribute GetAttribute<TAttribute>(
this MemberInfo member ) where TAttribute: Attribute
return member.GetCustomAttributes( typeof( TAttribute ), false )
现在您可以通过编译器大量检查的内容来挖掘任何字段的属性.它也适用于重构,如果您重命名a",Visual Studio 会捕捉到这一点.
Now you can dig up an attribute on any field by something which is in large checked by the compiler. It also works with refactoring, if you rename 'a' Visual Studio will catch that.
var attr = GetField((MyClass c) => c.a).GetAttribute<DisplayNameAttribute>();
There's not a single literal string in that code there.