I'm trying to write an Arduino library (effectively a C++ class) which itself references another library I have installed in my Mac's ~/Documents/Arduino/libraries directory.
At the top of the .cpp of the library I'm writing, I've tried
#include <ReferencedLibrary.h>
#include "ReferencedLibrary.h"
... neither of which work. I can successfully #include <ReferencedLibrary.h>
from sketches in my ~/Documents/Arduino directory. Am I missing something or is this a limitation of the Arduino IDE/makefile? Is there a workaround?
This issue was solved in the Arduino 1.6.6 release. The release notes of 1.6.6 mention that library to library dependencies have been fixed.
Library to library dependencies: when your sketch imports a library, and that library uses another, the IDE will find out without you having to add a useless #include to your sketch
Updating your version to 1.6.6 or newer will resolve your problem.
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