我正在使用英特尔感知计算 SDK 语音识别模块.SDK 示例使用 Microsoft Visual Studio 2012 Professional 感知听写,并在处理语音输入后将其打印在控制台窗口上.我要做的就是复制打印在控制台窗口上的输出并将其写入 .txt
I am working with Intel Perceptual Computing SDK Voice Recognition Module. Using Microsoft Visual Studio 2012 Professional, the SDK sample perceives the dictation and after processing the voice input prints it on the console window. All i want to do is to copy the output printed on console window and write it in a .txt
file. I am following the general way but somehow the text written in file is just some numbers.
// Callback for recognized commands and alerts
class MyHandler: public PXCVoiceRecognition::Recognition::Handler, public PXCVoiceRecognition::Alert::Handler
{上市:MyHandler(std::vector &commands){这->命令=命令;}
{ public: MyHandler(std::vector &commands) { this->commands=commands; }
virtual void PXCAPI OnRecognized(PXCVoiceRecognition::Recognition *cmd)
Recognized: <%s>
", (cmd->label>=0)?commands[cmd->label]:cmd- >dictation); //this line prints the dictated statement//
// writing to a text file
printf("Writing to the txt file...");
std::ofstream out("c:\MyVoice.txt");
std::vector<pxcCHAR*> commands;
int wmain(int argc, wchar_t* argv[]) {
// Create session
PXCSmartPtr<PXCSession> session;
pxcStatus sts = PXCSession_Create(&session);
if (sts < PXC_STATUS_NO_ERROR) {
wprintf_s(L"Failed to create the PXCSession
return 3;
// Parse command line
UtilCmdLine cmdl(session);
if (!cmdl.Parse(L"-file-iuid-grammar-sdname-realtime-eos",argc, argv)) return 1;
// Create PXCVoiceRecognition instance
PXCSmartPtr<PXCVoiceRecognition> vc;
sts=session->CreateImpl(cmdl.m_iuid, PXCVoiceRecognition::CUID, (void **)&vc);
wprintf_s(L"Failed to create PXCVoiceRecognition
return 3;
// Find and initilize capture module
UtilCaptureFile capture(session,cmdl.m_recordedFile,false);
if (cmdl.m_sdname) capture.SetFilter(cmdl.m_sdname);
// Query PXCVoiceRecognition profile
PXCVoiceRecognition::ProfileInfo profile;
for (int i=0;;i++)
sts=vc->QueryProfile(i, &profile);
return 3;
if (cmdl.m_realtime >= 0) capture.SetRealtime(cmdl.m_realtime);
// Set PXCVoiceRecognition profile
if (cmdl.m_eos) profile.endOfSentence = cmdl.m_eos;
// Grammar intialization
pxcUID grammar = 0;
if (cmdl.m_grammar.size()<0)
wprintf_s(L"Dictation Mode
// SubscribeRecognition
MyHandler handler(cmdl.m_grammar);
vc->SubscribeRecognition(80, &handler);
// Processing loop
PXCSmartPtr<PXCAudio> audio;
PXCSmartSPArray sps(3);
wprintf_s(L"Press any key to exit
while (!_kbhit())
sts = capture.ReadStreamAsync(audio.ReleaseRef(),sps.ReleaseRef(0));
您可以使用 >
重定向 Visual Studio 运行的命令的输出.通过在解决方案资源管理器中选择您的项目并单击 PROJECT->Properties->Configuration Properties->Debugging,将其添加到命令参数中.然后输入>output.txt
到命令参数中.运行应用程序后,该文件将出现在工作目录中 - 默认情况下,该目录与您的 .sln 文件位于同一目录.
You can use >
to redirect the output of the command run by Visual Studio. Add it to the command arguments by selecting your project in the solution explorer and clicking PROJECT->Properties->Configuration Properties->Debugging. Then enter > output.txt
into the Command Arguments. After you run your application, the file will appear in the Working Directory - which by default is the same directory as your .sln files.
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