Node.js: How to setup different variables for prod and staging(Node.js:如何为 prod 和 staging 设置不同的变量)
CoffeeScript - Referencing DOM nodes in Angular expressions is disallowed(CoffeeScript - 不允许在 Angular 表达式中引用 DOM 节点)
Why is Coffeescript of the opinion that shadowing is a bad idea(为什么 Coffeescript 认为阴影是一个坏主意)
Node.js: Document returning undefined - Mongoose(Node.js:文档返回未定义 - Mongoose)
Can I call a Javascript function from a coffeescript file?(我可以从咖啡脚本文件中调用 Javascript 函数吗?)
My JavaScript patterns/practices stink. Where should I seek help?(我的 JavaScript 模式/实践很糟糕.我应该去哪里寻求帮助?)
Coffeescript --- How to create a self-initiating anonymous function?(Coffeescript --- 如何创建一个自启动的匿名函数?)
Method chaining with function arguments(带有函数参数的方法链接)
Full Integration Testing for NodeJS and the Client Side with Yeoman and Mocha(使用 Yeoman 和 Mocha 对 NodeJS 和客户端进行全面集成测试)
Backbone and Rails associations: Avoiding JSON HashWithIndifferentAccess errors(Backbone 和 Rails 关联:避免 JSON HashWithIndifferentAccess 错误)