Method chaining with function arguments(带有函数参数的方法链接)
Full Integration Testing for NodeJS and the Client Side with Yeoman and Mocha(使用 Yeoman 和 Mocha 对 NodeJS 和客户端进行全面集成测试)
Backbone and Rails associations: Avoiding JSON HashWithIndifferentAccess errors(Backbone 和 Rails 关联:避免 JSON HashWithIndifferentAccess 错误)
Node.js Express app handle startup errors(Node.js Express 应用程序处理启动错误)
Syntax error when deploying Rails app to Heroku: ExecJS::RuntimeError: SyntaxError: Unexpected character(将 Rails 应用程序部署到 Heroku 时出现语法错误:ExecJS::RuntimeError: SyntaxError: Unexpected character)
How to delegate `hover()` function by using `on()`(如何使用 `on()` 委托 `hover()` 函数)
JS [ES5] How to assign objects with setters and getters?(JS [ES5] 如何用 setter 和 getter 分配对象?)
JavaScript setInterval not being properly bound to correct closure(JavaScript setInterval 没有正确绑定到正确的闭包)
Jquery Token Input - allowCustomEntry not working(Jquery 令牌输入 - allowCustomEntry 不起作用)
Sort and merge JSON keys with matching values(对具有匹配值的 JSON 键进行排序和合并)