
Highcharts make positive numbers in ranges of green and negative ranges of red(高位图在绿色范围内为正数,在红色范围内为负数。)


我在一个容器中有多个热图。我想设置颜色轴,以便正数落在绿色范围内,负数落在红色范围内。因此,我将colorAxis: minColor设置为#009933,将colorAxis: maxColor设置为#ff3300。这并不是将所有负片设置为红色范围,将正片设置为红色范围。我可以使用HighChats执行此操作吗?

以下是我的代码: 数据-lang="js"数据-隐藏="假"数据-控制台="真"数据-巴贝尔="假">

function getPointCategoryName(point, dimension) {
        var series = point.series,
        isY = dimension === 'y',
        axis = series[isY ? 'yAxis' : 'xAxis'];
        return axis.categories[point[isY ? 'y' : 'x']];

   Highcharts.chart('container', {

     chart: {
      type: 'heatmap',     },

      xAxis: {
        categories: ['val1', 'val2', 'val3',]

     yAxis: [{
      title: { text: 'iPhone'},
      height: '50%', 
      lineWidth: 2, 
      categories: ['google', 'bing', 'bing',]
   }, {
      title: { text: 'iPad'},
      height: '50%', 
      top: '50%', 
      offset: 0,
      lineWidth: 2, 
      categories: ['google', 'bing', 'bing',]

   accessibility: {
     point: {
      descriptionFormatter: function (point) {
       var ix = point.index + 1,
       xName = getPointCategoryName(point, 'x'),
       yName = getPointCategoryName(point, 'y'),
       val = point.value;
       return ix + '. ' + xName + ' sales ' + yName + ', ' + val + '.';

colorAxis: {
   // min: -50,
   minColor: '#ff3300', 
   maxColor: '#009933'

tooltip: {
  formatter: function () {
   return '<b>' + getPointCategoryName(this.point, 'x') + '</b> sold <br><b>' +
   this.point.value + '</b> items on <br><b>' + getPointCategoryName(this.point, 'y') + '</b>';

plotOptions: {
   series: {
      dataLabels: {
         formatter: function() {
            return `${this.point.value}%`

series: [{
  borderWidth: 1,
  [0, 0, -10],
  [0, 1, 10],
  [0, 2, -5],
  [1, 0, 21],
  [1, 1, -10],
  [1, 2, 5],
  [2, 0, -13],
  [2, 1, 53],
  [2, 2, 15],
  dataLabels: {
     enabled: true,
     color: '#000000'
}, {
  borderWidth: 1,
  [0, 0, 15],
  [0, 1, 11],
  [0, 2, -5],
  [1, 0, 25],
  [1, 1, -5],
  [1, 2, 9],
  [2, 0, -14],
  [2, 1, 65],
  [2, 2, 25],
  dataLabels: {
     enabled: true,
     color: '#000000'
  yAxis: 1,

responsive: {
 rules: [{
  condition: {
   maxWidth: 500
chartOptions: {
   yAxis: {
    labels: {
     formatter: function () {
      return this.value.charAt(0);

<script src="https://code.highcharts.com/highcharts.js"></script>
<script src="https://code.highcharts.com/modules/heatmap.js"></script>

<div id="container"></div>




function getPointCategoryName(point, dimension) {
  var series = point.series,
    isY = dimension === 'y',
    axis = series[isY ? 'yAxis' : 'xAxis'];
  return axis.categories[point[isY ? 'y' : 'x']];

var heatMapChart = Highcharts.chart('container', {

  chart: {
    type: 'heatmap',


  xAxis: {
    categories: ['val1', 'val2', 'val3', ]

  yAxis: [{
    title: {
      text: 'iPhone'
    height: '50%',
    lineWidth: 2,
    categories: ['google', 'bing', 'bing', ]
  }, {
    title: {
      text: 'iPad'
    height: '50%',
    top: '50%',
    offset: 0,
    lineWidth: 2,
    categories: ['google', 'bing', 'bing', ]

  accessibility: {
    point: {
      descriptionFormatter: function(point) {
        var ix = point.index + 1,
          xName = getPointCategoryName(point, 'x'),
          yName = getPointCategoryName(point, 'y'),
          val = point.value;
        return ix + '. ' + xName + ' sales ' + yName + ', ' + val + '.';

  tooltip: {
    formatter: function() {
      return '<b>' + getPointCategoryName(this.point, 'x') + '</b> sold <br><b>' +
        this.point.value + '</b> items on <br><b>' + getPointCategoryName(this.point, 'y') + '</b>';

  plotOptions: {
    series: {
      dataLabels: {
        formatter: function() {
          return `${this.point.value}%`


  series: [{
    borderWidth: 1,
    data: [
      [0, 0, -10],
      [0, 1, 10],
      [0, 2, -5],
      [1, 0, 21],
      [1, 1, -10],
      [1, 2, 5],
      [2, 0, -13],
      [2, 1, 53],
      [2, 2, 15],
    dataLabels: {
      enabled: true,
      color: '#000000'
    showInLegend: false
  }, {
    borderWidth: 1,
    data: [
      [0, 0, 15],
      [0, 1, 11],
      [0, 2, -5],
      [1, 0, 25],
      [1, 1, -5],
      [1, 2, 9],
      [2, 0, -14],
      [2, 1, 65],
      [2, 2, 25],
    dataLabels: {
      enabled: true,
      color: '#000000'
    showInLegend: false,
    yAxis: 1,

  responsive: {
    rules: [{
      condition: {
        maxWidth: 500
      chartOptions: {
        yAxis: {
          labels: {
            formatter: function() {
              return this.value.charAt(0);


//get series...
var dataPoints = heatMapChart.series;
//loop through series
for (var i = 0; i < dataPoints.length; i++) {
  //get data inside series..
  for (var j = 0; j < dataPoints[i].data.length; j++) {
    //update data..
      color: dataPoints[i].data[j].options.value > 0 ? '#009933' : '#ff3300' //change value depending on value..
<script src="https://code.highcharts.com/highcharts.js"></script>
<script src="https://code.highcharts.com/modules/heatmap.js"></script>

<div id="container"></div>




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