
How to group objects with timestamps properties by day, week, month?(如何按天、周、月对具有时间戳属性的对象进行分组?)


在 nodejs 应用程序中,我有一个事件对象数组,格式如下:

In a nodejs application, I have an array of event objects formatted as follows:

eventsArray = [ {id: 1, date: 1387271989749 }, {id:2, date: 1387271989760}, ... ]

eventsArray 具有可变长度的 n 个元素,假设我选择时间参考为巴黎时间,我希望能够按天、周或月对元素进行分组:

eventsArray having a variable length of n elements, and supposing I choose time reference to be Paris time, I want to be able to group elements by day, week, or month:

groupedByDay = {

            2012: { ... },
            2013: {
              dayN  : [{id: a0, date: b0}, {id: a1, date: b1}, {id: a2, date: b2 }],
              dayN+1: [{id: a3, date: b3}, {id: a4, date: b4}, {id: a5, date: b5 }],
            2014: { ... }


groupedByWeek = {
            2012: { ... }
            2013: {
              weekN: [{id: a0, date: b0}, {id: a1, date: b1}, {id: a2, date: b2 }],
              weekN+1: [{id: a3, date: b3}],
             2014: { ... }

groupedByMonth = {
             2012: { ... },
             2013: {
               monthN: [ {id: a0, date: b0 }, {id: a1, b1}, {id: a2, b2}, {id: a3, b3 }],
               monthN+1: [ {id: a4, date: b4 }, {id: a5, b5}, {id: a6, b6}],
              2014: { ... }

在处理 unix 时间戳方面几乎没有经验,我想知道如何做到这一点,或者是否有一个 npm 模块可以让这更容易.

Having very little experience with manipulating unix timestamps, I was wondering how this could be done or if there was an npm module that would make this easier.



Here is my solution. Keep in mind that day, week and month are relative to origin, since epoch:

let event = [ {id: 1, date: 1387271989749 }, {id:2, date: 1387271989760} ];

function groupday(value, index, array){
   let byday={};
    let d = new Date(value['date']);
    d = Math.floor(d.getTime()/(1000*60*60*24));
  return byday

function groupweek(value, index, array){
  let byweek={};
   let d = new Date(value['date']);
    d = Math.floor(d.getTime()/(1000*60*60*24*7));
  return byweek

function groupmonth(value, index, array){
   let bymonth={};
    d = new Date(value['date']);
    d = (d.getFullYear()-1970)*12 + d.getMonth();
  return bymonth

console.log('grouped by day', event.map(groupday));
console.log('grouped by week',event.map(groupweek));
console.log('grouped by month',event.map(groupmonth));


NOTE: Objects are grouped but the keys for day, week and month are in digits. Only the key for year is human readable.




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