关于 JavaScript 事件对象的快速问题 - JavaScript 如何知道我何时尝试将事件变量传递给函数?例如,当我像这样定义 onclick
Quick question about JavaScript event objects - how does JavaScript know when I'm trying to pass an event variable to a function? For example, when I define an onclick
handler like so:
<button onclick='SendMessage(event)'></button>
JavaScript 是否仅仅因为我将它命名为事件"而传递事件变量?如果是这样,它为传递事件变量保留了哪些其他变量名称?(例如?ev?等等.)
Does JavaScript pass the event variable just because I named it "event"? If so, what other variable names does it reserve for the purpose of passing event variables? (e? ev? etc..)
If this is the case, can they be covered by naming local or global variables "event", "e", etc.. ?
是 not 关键字,是 not JavaScript 中的保留字;它只是早期 Netscape 工程师决定的变量名称.
It must be called event
in an inline event. event
is not a keyword and is not a reserved word in JavaScript; it is merely the variable name the early Netscape engineers decided upon.
为事件提供的内联文本被有效地包装 1为:
The inline text supplied for the event is effectively wrapped 1 as:
function (event) {
// the inline code
IE 使用 window.event
属性来传递事件信息,但名称一致,因此使用 event
将酌情回退到正常的 JavaScript 变量解析.
IE uses the window.event
property to pass event information, but the names coincide so using event
will fallback through the normal JavaScript variable resolution as appropriate.
当然,如果直接附加一个函数对象,那么事件变量,因为它只是第一个参数,可以任意命名.不幸的是,IE 的 window.event
方法必须是也处理了,调用参数 event
Of course, if attaching a function object directly then the event variable, because it's just the first parameter, can be named whatever is desired. Unfortunately IE's window.event
approach must be dealt with as well, and calling the argument event
doesn't address it.
elm.onclick = function (my_event_name) {
my_event_name ||= window.event // for IE
(I would recommend avoiding inline events as much as possible and using a library that unifies/simplifies events.)
1 HTML 中详细介绍了此行为5:Event Handlers,事件处理内容属性:
[内联事件,例如 onclick, text] 必须包含有效的 JavaScript 代码,该代码在解析时将匹配 [a function] 生产..
[inline event, e.g onclick, text] must contain valid JavaScript code which, when parsed, would match [a function] production ..
Using the script execution environment created above, create a function object .. Let the function have a single argument called event.
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