带有布尔返回的 jQuery UI 对话框 - true 或 false

jQuery UI dialog with boolean return - true or false(带有布尔返回的 jQuery UI 对话框 - true 或 false)
本文介绍了带有布尔返回的 jQuery UI 对话框 - true 或 false的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


我正在尝试替换 javascript confirm().我找到了可以完全自定义的 jquery dialog() 函数.问题是我不能让它返回 truefalse.

I´m trying to do an replacement for the javascript confirm(). I have found the jquery dialog() function that can be fully customized. The problem is that i cant make it return true or false.


        { autoOpen: false, resizable: false, modal: true, closeOnEscape: true, width: 300, height: 'auto', title: 'Deletar registro',
            buttons: {
                "Ok": function () {
                    return true;
                }, "Cancelar": function () {
                    return false;
            open: function () {
                var buttonsSet = $('.ui-dialog-buttonset').find("button:contains('Ok')");
                buttonsSet.attr("class", "ui-button ui-state-default");
                $('.ui-dialog-titlebar-close span').empty();
                    text: false,
                    icons: {
                        primary: 'ui-icon-ok'

                    text: false, 
                    icons: {
                        primary: 'ui-icon-cancel'


This only return an object before any option selected:

function deletar() {


jQueryUI 对话框不能返回 truefalse,因为它们显示在顶部其他内容,但没有阻塞执行.

jQueryUI dialog boxes can't return a true or false as they're shown on top of other content but without blocking execution.


  1. 将框设为modal,使其隐藏其他内容


supply callbacks to be used depending on which option is chosen.

对于额外的奖励积分,您可以创建一个 $.Deferred() 承诺对象并在您显示对话框时返回它.然后,您可以在按钮事件处理程序中 resolvereject 承诺.

For extra bonus points, you could create a $.Deferred() promise object and return that when you show the dialog. You can then resolve or reject that promise in the button event handlers.


This would give you clean separation between showing the dialog box, and performing the actions subsequently triggered by it:

function showDialog() {
   var def = $.Deferred();

   // create and/or show the dialog box here
   // but in "OK" do 'def.resolve()'
   // and in "cancel" do 'def.reject()'

   return def.promise();

showDialog().done(function() {
    // they pressed OK
}).fail(function() {
    // the pressed Cancel

// NB: execution will continue here immediately - you shouldn't do
//     anything else now - any subsequent operations need to be
//     started in the above callbacks.

这篇关于带有布尔返回的 jQuery UI 对话框 - true 或 false的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持编程学习网!



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