vars 引用的多个元素的 jquery on('click') 处理程序

jquery on(#39;click#39;) handler for multiple elements referenced by vars(vars 引用的多个元素的 jquery on(click) 处理程序)
本文介绍了vars 引用的多个元素的 jquery on('click') 处理程序的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


注意我知道我添加了 id 并将它们组合在一个选择器中,例如#myDiv1,#myDiv2"所以请不要提出这个建议,因为它与我的问题无关.

N.B. I'm aware that I add ids and combine these in a selector e.g. "#myDiv1,#myDiv2" so please refrain from suggesting this as it does not relate to my question.

有没有办法在一个 on() 声明中将下面的变量链接"在一起,可能是一个数组或其他东西?

Is there a way to 'chain' the vars below together in one on() declaration maybe as an array or something?

var myDiv1 = $('<div>Something here</div>');
var myDiv2 = $('<div>Something else here</div>');

myDiv1.on('click', function(){ doSomething();});
myDiv2.on('click', function(){ doSomething();});


I have a bunch of vars that I need to do some broad tracking of mouse events and it feels messy setting them up individually like the above example.


  • 您可以将 DOM 元素数组传递给 jQuery 函数:

    ]).on('click', function(){ doSomething();});

    jsFiddle 演示

    另一种可能的方法是使用 .add() 方法:

    Another possible way is to use the .add() method:

    myDiv1.add(myDiv2).on('click', function(){ doSomething();});

    jsFiddle 演示

    将它们放在一个数组中,遍历它们并附加相同的处理程序.我使用 ES5 forEach 制作了示例,但您可以随意使用简单的 for 循环或 $.each.

    Put them in an array, loop through them and attach the same handler. I made the example with ES5 forEach, but feel free to use a simple for loop or $.each.

    [cucc, gomb].forEach(function (el) {
        el.on('click', handler);

    jsFiddle 演示


    If they have a common ancestor, put a common class on them and use event delegation. Depending on the number of your elements, this could be the best solution performance-wise, because you only have to attach one handler to the common ancestor.

    $('.ancestor').on('click', '.common', handler);

    jsFiddle 演示

    这篇关于vars 引用的多个元素的 jquery on('click') 处理程序的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持编程学习网!



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