
CORS error on same domain?(同一域上的CORS错误?)


我现在遇到了一个奇怪的 CORS 问题.

I'm running into a weird CORS issue right now.


XMLHttpRequest cannot load http://localhost:8666/routeREST/select?q=[...] 
Origin http://localhost:8080 is not allowed by Access-Control-Allow-Origin


  • localhost:8666/routeREST/:这是一个简单的 Python Bottle 服务器.
  • localhost:8080/:Python simpleHTTPserver,我在其中运行 y Javascript 应用程序.此应用正在上面的服务器上执行 Ajax 请求.


Any thought on what could be the problem?


And... the port was the problem. Thanks for your answers :)

如果有人也在使用 Python 瓶服务器,您可以按照这篇文章中给出的答案来解决 CORS 问题:Bottle Py:为 jQuery AJAX 请求启用 CORS

If anyone is using a Python bottle server as well, you can follow the answer given on this post to solve the CORS issue: Bottle Py: Enabling CORS for jQuery AJAX requests


只有protocolhost 才认为是相同的strong> port 相同:同源策略

It is only considered to be the same if the protocol, host and port is the same: Same Origin Policy

如果你想启用它,你必须遵循 跨域资源共享 (cors)通过添加标题.Mozilla 有 示例

If you want to enable it you must follow Cross-Origin Resource Sharing (cors) by adding headers. Mozilla has examples

您需要在响应中添加 Access-Control-Allow-Origin 作为标题.允许所有人(您可能这样做):

You need to add Access-Control-Allow-Origin as a header in your response. To allow everyone (you should probably NOT do that):

Access-Control-Allow-Origin: *

如果您需要支持多个来源(例如 example.comwww.example.com),请设置 Access-Control-Allow-Origin 在您对请求中 Origin-header 的值的回复中(在您验证 Origin 已列入白名单之后.)

If you need to support multiple origins (for example both example.com and www.example.com), set the Access-Control-Allow-Origin in your reply to the value of the Origin-header from the request (after you verified that the Origin is white-listed.)

另外请注意,有些请求会发送一个带有 OPTION 方法的预检请求,因此如果您编写自己的代码,您也必须处理这些请求.请参阅 Mozilla 了解 示例.

Also note that some requests send a preflight-request, with an OPTION-method, so if you write your own code you must handle those requests too. See Mozilla for examples.




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