
How do I handle multiple browser scripts making the same calls to the back-end service(如何处理对后端服务进行相同调用的多个浏览器脚本)



I have a web page where different parts of it all need the same back-end data. Each is isolated, so they each end up eventually making the same calls to the back-end.

当调用已经在进行中并由同一网页上的不同代码段启动时,避免调用 Web 服务器的最佳方法是什么?

What is the best way to avoid making a call to the web server when one is already in progress and initiated by a different piece of code on the same web page?

这是一个例子.我将使用 setTimeout 来模拟异步调用.

Here's an example. I'll use setTimeout to simulate an asynchronous call.


Let's assume there's an async function that returns the list of contacts, which is basically a simple array of strings in this example:

var getContacts = function() {
  log('Calling back-end to get contact list.');
  return new Promise(function(resolve, reject) {
    setTimeout(function() {
      log('New data received from back-end.');
    }, 3000);


Now, let's create three separate functions that each call the above function for different purposes.


var dumpContacts = function() {
  getContacts().then(function(contacts) {
    for( var i = 0; i < contacts.length; i++ ) {
      log( "Contact " + (i + 1) + ": " + contacts[i] );


Determine if a particular contact is in the list:

var contactExists = function(contactName) {
  return getContacts().then(function(contacts) {
    return contacts.indexOf(contactName) >= 0 ? true : false;


Get the name of the first contact:

var getFirstContact = function() {
  return getContacts().then(function(contacts) {
    if ( contacts.length > 0 ) {
      return contacts[0];


And here is some example code to use these three functions:

// Show all contacts

// Does contact 'Jane' exist?
  log("Contact 'Jane' exist: " + exists);

  log("first contact: " + firstContact);

上述例程使用全局 log() 函数.可以使用 console.log() 代替.上面的 log() 函数记录到浏览器窗口,实现如下:

The above routines make use of a global log() function. console.log() could be used instead. The above log() function log's to the browser window and is implemented as follows:

function log() {
  var args = Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments).join(", ");
  var output = document.getElementById('output');
  output.innerHTML += args + "<br/>";

并且在 html 中需要以下内容:

and requires the following in the html:

<div id='output'><br/></div>


When the above code is run, you will see:

Calling back-end to get contact list.

New data received from back-end.



此示例在 Plunker 上可以执行:http://plnkr.co/edit/6ysbNTf1lSf5b7L3sJxQ?p=preview

This sample is on Plunker can be executed: http://plnkr.co/edit/6ysbNTf1lSf5b7L3sJxQ?p=preview



Just cache the result in the function making the call:

function cache(promiseReturningFn){
    var cachedVal = null;  // start without cached value
    function cached(){
        if(cachedVal) return cachedVal; // prefer cached result
        cachedVal = promiseReturningFn.apply(this, arguments); // delegate
        return cachedVal; // after we saved it, return it
    cached.flush = function(){ cachedVal = undefined; };
    return cached;

这有一个警告,即对于 null 的实际结果会失败,否则它可以很好地完成工作.

This has the caveat of failing for actual results that are null but otherwise it gets the job done nicely.

您现在可以缓存任何 promise 返回函数 - 上面的版本只缓存忽略参数 - 但您可以构造一个类似的函数,它具有 Map 并基于不同的参数进行缓存 - 但让我们专注于您的用例.

You can now cache any promise returning function - the version above only caches ignoring arguments - but you can construct a similar one that has a Map and caches based on different arguments too - but let's focus on your use case.

var getContactsCached = cache(getContacts);

getContactsCached(); // only one async call ever made

cache 方法实际上甚至与 Promise 无关——它所做的只是获取一个函数并缓存它的结果——你可以将它用于任何事情.事实上,如果你正在使用像 underscore 这样的库,你可以使用 _.memoize 来为你做这件事.

The cache method is actually not even related to promises - all it does is take a function and cache its result - you can use it for anything. In fact if you're using a library like underscore you can use _.memoize to do it for you already.




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