
Need a delay function javascript(需要一个延迟函数javascript)


您好,我目前正在发出 xmhhttp 请求,但该网站需要一些时间来加载,所以我只得到 ReadyState = 3 和状态 = 200.所以我需要等到 readystate = 4 的东西,但我想限制如果readystate = 4,它每秒只检查一次,否则什么也不做.

Hi im currently making a xmhhttp request, but the site takes some time to load, so I only get the ReadyState = 3 and status = 200. So I need something that waits until the readystate = 4, but I want to limit this function so that it only checks once a second if the readystate = 4, else do nothing.


How can such a delay function look like?

   if (xmlhttp.readyState==4 && xmlhttp.status==200)//Add the delay here so that the else doesn't occur
    var txt=xmlhttp.responseText;
  else {

    document.write("status: " + xmlhttp.readyState + " " + xmlhttp.status);


我们可以写一个函数来检查你的 xmlhttp-object 的状态:

We can write a function for checking the state of your xmlhttp-object:

var checkState = function(xmlhttp, callback) {
  if (xmlhttp.readyState == 4 && xmlhttp.status == 200) {
    callback(whatever, arguments, that, you, want, to, send);
  } else {
    // Check back again 1 sec later
    setTimeout(checkState, 1000);


Then you can use it like this:

checkState(xmlhttp, function(whatever, arguments, you, need) {
  // the code here will be run when the readyState is 4 and the status is 200


  • 无论 readyState 是什么,checkState 函数都会返回,因此请确保您只在回调中执行依赖于它的操作,而不是之后.
  • 如果 readyState 和 status 从来没有得到你想要的值,那么你就不走运了(但你可以扩展函数以接受第二个回调来处理超时情况).




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