可以说,如何在每次量角器 -spec 测试后重新启动或关闭浏览器

How to, so to speak, restart or close browser after every protractor -spec test(可以说,如何在每次量角器 -spec 测试后重新启动或关闭浏览器)
本文介绍了可以说,如何在每次量角器 -spec 测试后重新启动或关闭浏览器的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


我正在为 Web 应用程序实施量角器测试.我已经做了一些谷歌搜索,但我想出了 zip,我希望我创建的每个规范在浏览器运行该特定规范文件中的所有测试后关闭浏览器,然后继续到下一个 -spec 文件,等等.我有诸如使用beforeAll"和afterAll"之类的东西,但 Jasmine 无法识别这些方法.朝着正确的方向前进会很棒!

I am implementing Protractor test for a web app. I have done some google searching but I have come up with zip, I want to every spec that I create to close the browser after it has ran all of the test in that specific spec file and then continue on to the next -spec file, etc. I've things such as using "beforeAll" and "afterAll" but Jasmine doesn't recognize these methods. A point in the right direction would be awesome!

describe('我稍后会在这里放一些更有意义的东西:)', function () {

describe('i will put something more meaningful here later :)', function () {

//not sure if this method actually exist in Jasmine
afterAll(function () {
   //restart browser or something of the nature

it('should do stuff', function () {


it('do stuff', function () {




browser should then close, and then open back up to run the next spec.



Speaking about restarting browser between tests, there is a relevant configuration option:

// If true, protractor will restart the browser between each test.
// CAUTION: This will cause your tests to slow down drastically.
restartBrowserBetweenTests: false,

将其设置为 true.


FYI, Here is the initial feature request:

  • 功能请求:可以选择在每个测试用例/场景之间重新启动新的浏览器会话

beforeAllafterAll 内置在 jasmine-2.x 中.要使它们工作,您需要将 jasmine2 设置为测试框架 在 量角器配置中:

beforeAll and afterAll are built into jasmine-2.x. To make them work, you need to set jasmine2 as a testing framework in the protractor config:

exports.config = {
    framework: 'jasmine2',


对于jasmine-1.x,有第三方jasmine-beforeAll 提供相同功能的包.

For jasmine-1.x, there is a third-party jasmine-beforeAll package that provides the same exact functionality.

这篇关于可以说,如何在每次量角器 -spec 测试后重新启动或关闭浏览器的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持编程学习网!



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