用于删除方法的 Rails 自定义 Twitter Bootstrap 模式,回调问题

Rails custom Twitter Bootstrap modal for delete method, Problem with callback(用于删除方法的 Rails 自定义 Twitter Bootstrap 模式,回调问题)
本文介绍了用于删除方法的 Rails 自定义 Twitter Bootstrap 模式,回调问题的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


以下代码确实会按预期销毁记录,但回调是从一个模式继承到下一个模式.因此,当一条记录被正确删除时,Rails 也一直在寻找删除以前删除的记录.我正在使用 Twitter Bootstrap 模式窗口,它位于 Rails 视图模板中,并在触发标准 Rails 删除方法时显示,替换了常规的 javascript 对话框.

Following code does destroy records as intended, but the callback is inherited from one modal to the next one. So while a record is properly deleted, Rails keeps looking to delete the formerly deleted ones as well. I'm using a Twitter Bootstrap modal window, that sits in a Rails view template and is shown when a standard Rails delete method is fired, replacing the regular javascript dialog.


How to clear the callback after it has been fired?

$.rails.allowAction = function(element) {

  var message = element.data('confirm'),
  answer = false, callback;
  if (!message) { return true; }

  if ($.rails.fire(element, 'confirm')) {
    myCustomConfirmBox(message, function() {
     callback = $.rails.fire(element,
       'confirm:complete', [answer]);
     if(callback) {
       var oldAllowAction = $.rails.allowAction;
       $.rails.allowAction = function() { return true; };
       $.rails.allowAction = oldAllowAction;
  return false;

function myCustomConfirmBox(message, callback) {
    $('#dialog-confirm button.primary').click(function(){


edit: Since I'm using the same base modal over and over again for any delete action, the callbacks queue up. So when a delete action has been cancelled before, it will still be triggered on another delete instance of a different object, since the callback is still valid. Bottom line: How to clear the callback queue?



Turns out it is a bad idea to fiddle with the native delete method/callback for various reasons. My workaround solution is as follows.

在你的视图中有一个删除"按钮,带有一些 JS 数据值:

Have a "delete" button in your view, with some JS data values:

#delete button in view template
link_to "delete", "#", 
   :class => "delete_post", 
   "data-id" => YOUR_POST_ID, 
   "data-controls-modal" => "YOUR_MODAL_LAYER",
       #more bootstrap options here…

Bootstrap 打开模态窗口.在里面,有另一个删除"按钮,设置了远程",所以动作将使用 JS.

Bootstrap opens the modal window. Inside that, have another "delete" button with "remote" set, so the action will use JS.

#delete button in modal window
link_to "delete", post_path(0), 
   :method => :delete, 
   :class => "btn primary closeModal", 
   :remote => true  

CloseModal 是另一个 :class 让我知道何时关闭引导模式窗口.我在 application.js 中为此添加了一个附加函数.注意,默认的path有一个nil值,我们将在下一步通过data-id"参数附加要通过JS删除的真实帖子ID:

CloseModal is another :class for me to know when to close the bootstrap modal window. I've put an additional function for that in my application.js. Note, the default path has a nil value, we'll attach the real post ID to be deleted via JS in the next step via the "data-id" param:

$('a.delete_post').live('click', function(){
    _target = $(this).data('id');
    $('#YOUR_MODAL_LAYER .primary').attr('href', '/posts/' + _target);

我们的 Posts 控制器中的 destroy 动作将使用 JS 为已删除的帖子渲染动画:

The destroy action in our Posts controller will use JS to render an animation for the deleted post:

def destroy
    @post = Post.find(params[:id])
    respond_to do |format|
       # format.html { redirect_to(posts_url) }
       format.js { render :content_type => 'text/javascript' }


Insert here effects as you please. In this example we are simply fading out the deleted post:

$("div#post-<%= params[:id] %>").fadeOut();


Altogether this works really smoothly!

这篇关于用于删除方法的 Rails 自定义 Twitter Bootstrap 模式,回调问题的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持编程学习网!



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