目前,SonarQube 代码中 JavaScript 代码的重复指标定义如下:应该至少有 100 个连续和重复的令牌.这些令牌应该至少分布在 10 行代码中."
At the moment the duplication metric for JavaScript Code in SonarQube code is defined as followed: "There should be at least 100 successive and duplicated tokens. Those tokens should be spread at least on 10 lines of code."
有没有办法改变标记的数量和行数?因为我想有 5 行.
Is there a way to change the nummer of tokens and the number of lines? Since I want to have 5 lines.
是的,你应该把这一行放在你的 sonar-project.properties 文件中.
Yes, you should put this line in your sonar-project.properties file.
参见 https://docs.sonarqube.org/display/SONAR/Analysis+Parameters#AnalysisParameters-Duplications:
一段代码只要有至少 100 个连续和重复的令牌(可以用属性 sonar.cpd.${language}.minimumTokens) 至少分布在 10代码行(可以用属性覆盖sonar.cpd.${language}.minimumLines)
A piece of code is considered as duplicated as soon as there are at least 100 successive and duplicated tokens (can be overridden with property sonar.cpd.${language}.minimumTokens) spread on at least 10 lines of code (can be overridden with property sonar.cpd.${language}.minimumLines)
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