我可以从我的 Chrome 扩展程序中获取可用的语言环境翻译列表吗?

Can I get a list of available locale translations from my Chrome extension?(我可以从我的 Chrome 扩展程序中获取可用的语言环境翻译列表吗?)
本文介绍了我可以从我的 Chrome 扩展程序中获取可用的语言环境翻译列表吗?的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


有没有办法从我的 Google Chrome 扩展程序中检索所有可用翻译的列表?

Is there a way to retrieve from within my Google Chrome extension the list of all available translations?


For instance, my app may contain the following folders:


有没有办法从扩展本身中知道它是 enfres?

Is there a way to know that it's en, fr, and es from within the extension itself?

第二个问题,有没有办法将特定的 messages.json 文件解析为 JSON 数据?我的意思是比 chrome.i18n.getMessage() 提供的功能多一点.

And a second question, is there any way to parse a specific messages.json file as the JSON data? I mean a little bit more capabilities than what's provided by chrome.i18n.getMessage().



Yes to both questions, thanks to the ability to read the extension's own folder:


返回包目录的 DirectoryEntry.


For example, you can list locales in this way (not resilient, add your own error checks):

function getLocales(callback) {
  chrome.runtime.getPackageDirectoryEntry(function(root) {
    root.getDirectory("_locales", {create: false}, function(localesdir) {
      var reader = localesdir.createReader();
      // Assumes that there are fewer than 100 locales; otherwise see DirectoryReader docs
      reader.readEntries(function(results) {
        callback(results.map(function(de){return de.name;}).sort());


同样,您可以使用它来获取 messages.json 文件的 FileEntry 并解析它.
或者您可以按照 Marco's answer 中所述使用 XHR,一旦您知道文件夹名称.

Likewise, you can use this to obtain a FileEntry for the messages.json file and parse it.
or you can use XHR as described in Marco's answer once you know the folder name.

这篇关于我可以从我的 Chrome 扩展程序中获取可用的语言环境翻译列表吗?的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持编程学习网!



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