
Html tag beginning with question mark?(以问号开头的HTML标签?)


我正在学习谷歌应用脚​​本,并且在 this 教程,我看到了一些看起来很奇怪的语法:<?/* JS 代码 */?>

I'm learning google apps script, and in this tutorial, I saw some weird looking syntax: <? /* JS code */ ?> and <?= /* JS code */ ?>

<!DOCTYPE html>
    <base target="_top">
    <title>Message Display Test</title>
    <link rel="stylesheet" href="https://ssl.gstatic.com/docs/script/css/add-ons1.css">
  <body style="padding:3em;">
    <? for(var m=0;m<messages.length;m++){ ?>
    <li><?= messages[m].getSubject() ?></li>
    <p><?= messages[m].getPlainBody() ?></p>
    <? } ?>

我可以理解发生了什么,但我仍然感到困惑.我在学习 HTML 时从未见过这些.这与脚本标签相比如何?

I can kind of understand what is going on, but I'm still confused. I've never seen these while learning HTML. How does this compare to script tags?


在 Google Apps 脚本中 被称为标准小脚本 <?= ...?> 是打印的 scriptlet 和 <?!= ...?> 是强制打印脚本.它们用于 Google Apps Script HTML Service 模板化 HTML.

In Google Apps Script <? . . .?> are called standar scriptlets, <?= . . . ?> are printed scriptlets and <?!= . . . ?> are force printing scriplets. They are used in Google Apps Script HTML Service templated HTML.


  • https://developers.google.com/apps-script/guides/html/模板


  • 如何在 Google Apps Script 中的 HTMLOutput 中使用 scriptlet
  • <?!= 在 Google Apps 脚本中是什么意思?




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