
javascript find by value deep in a nested object/array(javascript在嵌套对象/数组中按值查找)



hello , I have a problem returning an object in my function, Let's say I have an object:

var elements = [{
    "fields": null,
    "id_base": "nv_container",
    "icon": "layout",
    "name": "container",
    "is_container": true,
    "elements" : [
        //another elements set here
    "id_base": "novo_example_elementsec",
    "name": "hello",
    "icon": "edit",
    "view": {}

我想要的是一个可以找到具有特定键和值的对象的函数(在纯 javascript 中),并且我创建了一个函数,但它只是不能正常工作?,我的功能:

what i want is a function (in pure javascript) that can find an object with a specific key and value , and i have created a function but its just not working fine ? , my function :

function findNested(obj, key, value) {
    //Early return
    if (obj[key] === value) {
        console.log( 'before return' ); //until here . its fine
        return obj; //not working
    } else {
        for (var i = 0, len = Object.keys(obj).length; i <= len; i++) {
            if (typeof obj[i] == 'object') {
                this.findNested(obj[i] , key, value);



I just can't see what I've done wrong ?



您在进行递归调用后缺少返回.如果在递归后找到对象,您需要继续将该结果冒泡(通过返回它).您还应该使用 i <len(不是 i <= len)正如@scott-marcus 指出的那样.

You're missing a return after making the recursive call. If the object is found after recursing, you need to continue to bubble that result up (by returning it). You should also be using i < len (not i <= len) as pointed out by @scott-marcus.

var elements = [{
    "fields": null,
    "id_base": "nv_container",
    "icon": "layout",
    "name": "container",
    "is_container": true,
    "elements": [
      //another elements set here
    "id_base": "novo_example_elementsec",
    "name": "hello",
    "icon": "edit",
    "view": {}

function findNested(obj, key, value) {
  // Base case
  if (obj[key] === value) {
    return obj;
  } else {
    for (var i = 0, len = Object.keys(obj).length; i < len; i++) {
      if (typeof obj[i] == 'object') {
        var found = this.findNested(obj[i], key, value);
        if (found) {
          // If the object was found in the recursive call, bubble it up.
          return found;

console.log(findNested(elements, "icon", "layout")); // returns object
console.log(findNested(elements, "icon", "edit")); // returns object
console.log(findNested(elements, "foo", "bar")); // returns undefined




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