我有一个 React 应用程序,它在不同组件中使用多个 fetch 调用.在主页组件中,我导入了较小的组件,它们都有自己的 fetch 调用.
I have a React app that uses multiple fetch calls throughout different components. In Home page component, I have imported smaller components, all of whom have it's own fetch call.
render() {
return (
<Services />
<About />
Banner、Services 和 About 对不同的端点都有自己的 fetch 调用,现在我的问题是因为响应有点慢,如何等待所有子组件获取数据,然后渲染主页零件.我曾尝试将 isLoading 的状态放入并添加一个加载器以等待组件获取,但我不知道要等待什么才能将 isLoading 设置为 false.
Banner, Services and About have their own fetch calls to different endpoints, now my question is because the response is a little bit on the slower side, how to wait for all of the child components to fetch data, then render the Homepage component. I have tried to put the state of isLoading and add a loader to wait for components to fetch, but I don't know what to wait for to set isLoading to false.
...how to wait for all of the child components to fetch data, then render the Homepage component
你没有.相反,您将 fetches 移动到 Homepage 组件的父级,然后让该父级仅在 Homepage 组件拥有所有必要信息时才呈现该组件.用 React 的说法,这是提升状态"(例如,向上到父级).
You don't. Instead, you move the fetches to the Homepage component's parent, and then have that parent only render the Homepage component when it has all of the necessary information to do so. In React parlance, this is "lifting state up" (e.g., up the hierarchy to the parent).
While you could render the Homepage in a "loading" form, and have it render its child components in a "loading" form, and have the child components call back to the Home page to say they have their information now, that's more complicated than simply lifting the state up to the highest component that actually needs it (so it knows it can render the Homepage).