我有一个弹出窗口,需要访问父 dom 以生成打印页面.打印页面的结构与父页面的结构明显不同,因此打印 css 无法解决问题.我基本上想弹出一个窗口,然后让该窗口从父级获取一些数据,甚至从弹出窗口访问 dom 并生成打印页面,而无需再次访问服务器.有什么想法可以实现吗?
I have a popup window that needs to access the parent dom to generate a print page. The structure of the print page is significantly different then the structure of the parent so a print css would not solve the problem. I basically want to popup a window and then have that window grab some data from the parent of even access the dom from the popup and generate the print page without having to go to the server again. Any ideas how i can achieve this?
to pop up a window. I need this solution to not be a hack and be cross browser compatible with all major browsers.
Sajjan 的回答是一个开始,但最好在尝试访问它们之前确保您的对象可用:
Sajjan's answer is a start, but better make sure your objects are available before you try to access them:
var opener = window.opener;
if(opener) {
var oDom = opener.document;
var elem = oDom.getElementById("your element");
if (elem) {
var val = elem.value;
Otherwise, you do run the risk that the opener doesn't respond to your initial call, and that you can't get the element from it.
作为 jQuery,我认为(基于答案,此处:如何使用 jquery 访问父窗口对象?):
As jQuery, I think (based on an answer, here: how to access parent window object using jquery?):
var opener = window.opener;
if(opener) {
var elem = opener.$("#elementId");
if (elem) {
var val = elem.val(); // I forgot we're dealing with a jQuery obj at this point