通过单击外部关闭弹出 div

Close pop up div by clicking outside of it(通过单击外部关闭弹出 div)
本文介绍了通过单击外部关闭弹出 div的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


我是编程的初学者.我一直在寻找答案,但我找到的答案似乎都没有解决我的问题.我使用了 如何javascript css popup div是否居中,无论屏幕分辨率如何?问题中解释的弹出div方法.

I am a total beginner in programming. I have been searching for an answer but none of the ones I have found seem to solve my problem. I used the how do I center javascript css popup div, no matter what the screen resolution? pop up div method explained in the question.

是否可以通过单击外部的 div 来关闭它,只需对以下代码进行少量更改?

Is it possible to close a div by clicking outside of it with small changes to the following code?

<script type="text/javascript">
    function showPopUp(el) {
        var cvr = document.getElementById("cover")
        var dlg = document.getElementById(el)
        cvr.style.display = "block"
        dlg.style.display = "block"
        if (document.body.style.overflow = "scroll") {
            cvr.style.width = "1024"
            cvr.style.height = "100%"
    function closePopUp(el) {
        var cvr = document.getElementById("cover")
        var dlg = document.getElementById(el)
        cvr.style.display = "none"
        dlg.style.display = "none"
        document.body.style.overflowY = "scroll"
<style type="text/css">
   #cover {
        display:        none;
        position:       fixed;
        left:           0px;
        top:            0px;
        width:          100%;
        height:         100%;
        background:     gray;
        filter:         alpha(Opacity = 50);
        opacity:        0.5;
        -moz-opacity:   0.5;
        -khtml-opacity: 0.5


在 HTML 中,我有隐藏 id 为 dialog1dialog2 等的 div 的数量.单击链接时,会显示 div 并关闭它我使用 img 链接:

In HTML I have the number of divs hidden with the ids dialog1, dialog2 and so on. When a link is clicked, the div shows up and to close it I use an img link:

< a class="close" href="#2" onclick="closePopUp('dialog2');">< img src="/img/close.png" height="30px"></a >


当你打开弹窗时,创建一个高宽为 100% 的不可见 div,它位于你弹窗 div 的后面.

When you open the pop up, create an invisible div of height width 100%, which lies at the back of your pop-up div.

在 div 上附加一个 onclick 函数:

Attach an onclick function to the div:

document.getElementById('invisibleDiv').onclick = function()
    document.getElementById('popup').style.display = 'none'; 


这篇关于通过单击外部关闭弹出 div的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持编程学习网!



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