
Watir: Need to double click on an element to open custom popup(Watir:需要双击一个元素才能打开自定义弹出窗口)


我是 WATIR 的新手.我面临的问题是——我正在测试的应用程序在页面上放置了缩略图(如 Windows 图标),我需要双击它.这样做时,将打开一个自定义弹出窗口(用 javascript 实现的 ajax 弹出窗口).fire_event("ondblclick") 对我不起作用.我也尝试了两次点击",但这也无济于事.有没有其他方法来处理这个?非常感谢您的帮助.

I am a newbie in WATIR. The problem I am facing is - The application I am testing has thumbnails (like Windows icons) placed on the page and I need to double click it. On doing that, an custom popup (ajax popup implemented in javascript) will open. The fire_event("ondblclick") is not working for me. I also tried 'click' twice but that too is not helping. Is there any other way of handling this? Your help is highly appreciated.

2010 年 7 月 6 日添加:

Added 6 July 2010:


I solved it but I have another query now.

以下是我能够使用@ie.div(:class,'GridElementInlineIE').fire_event('ondblclick')"解决的 HTML

Below was the HTML for which I was able to solve using "@ie.div(:class,'GridElementInlineIE').fire_event('ondblclick') "

<div class="gridViewItem" style='display: inline-table;' ondblclick='openAsset("634119577077187500", "", "LIBRARY_ASSETS_TAB", "1", "A111");'
        <table style="display: inline-table;" class="gridViewItemTable" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"
            onclick="highlightAsset(this, event)" projectid="" dmguid="634119577077187500"
            id="_thumb_634119577077187500" objectclass="VIDEO">
                <td style="padding: 10px 10px 0px 7px">
                    <img class="assetListGridImage draggableThumbnail" id="thumb_634119577077187500"
                        title="A111" alt="A111"
                        src="/images/wait.gif" dmguid="634119577077187500" projectid=""
                        objectclass="VIDEO" _onclick="highlightAsset(this, event)" />
                <td style="padding: 0px 0px 0px 7px">

                <td style="padding: 0px 0px 5px 7px; min-height: 33px; max-height: 33px; height: 33px;">
                    <img alt='Not starred' name='IMAGE634119577077187500' title='Star this asset' src='/Images/star_off.png' onclick='toggleStar(event, this, "634119577077187500")' class='starGrid' />
                    <img alt='video' title='video' src='/Images/asset_type/VIDEO.png'/>
                    <img src='/images/shared.png'  title ='Shared' alt='Shared' />



现在我需要双击这个项目(下面的代码).但即使正在识别元素(以黄色突出显示),双击也不起作用.我正在尝试@ie.div(:class,'gridViewItem').fire_event('ondblclick')".我也尝试过 while 循环和单击两次选项无效.我正在使用带有 Ruby186-27_rc2 的 Watir 1.6.

Now I need to double click on this item (code below). But even though the element is being identified (highlighted with a yellow), the double click is not working. I am trying "@ie.div(:class,'gridViewItem').fire_event('ondblclick')". I've also tried the while loops and click-twice options to no effect. I'm using Watir 1.6 with Ruby186-27_rc2.

           div class="GridElementInline">
                <table class="GridElementInline" style="border: solid 2px #1e606e;min-height:134px;height:134px;max-height: 134px" onclick="highlightAsset(this, event)"
                                                projectid='' folderid="2383" id="_tblBinlist2383" title = "today">
                        <td style="padding: 10px 10px 0px 7px;">
                            <table id='tblBinlist2383' folderid='2383' projectId='' _onclick='highlightAsset(this, event)' ondblclick='showBinDetails("2383", "")' class='binThumbnail GridElementInline' cellpadding='0' cellspacing='0'><tr><td><img class='fourGridViewImage' src='http://stream.....' /></td><td><img class='fourGridViewImage' src='http://stream.....' /></td></tr><tr><td><img class='fourGridViewImage' src='http://stream.....' /></td><td><img class='fourGridViewImage' src='http://stream.....' /></td></tr></table>
                <td colspan="2" align="center" style="padding: 10px 10px 0px 7px; font-size: 9px;white-space: nowrap;">
                <div align="left" title="today">


我为 Windows 中的 Watir 1.6.7 做了一个优雅的解决方案.

There's one elegant solution I did for Watir 1.6.7 in Windows.

我去了 ruby​​/lib/ruby/gems/1.8/gems/watir-1.6.7/lib/watir/element.rb (你的路径可能会改变,但主要思想是访问watir库并修改element.rb 文件).

I went to ruby/lib/ruby/gems/1.8/gems/watir-1.6.7/lib/watir/element.rb (your path may change, but the main idea is to access the watir library and modify the element.rb file).


def fire_event_no_wait(event)
  element = "#{self.class}.new(#{@page_container.attach_command}, :unique_number, #  {self.unique_number})"
  ruby_code = "require 'rubygems';" <<
          "require '#{File.expand_path(File.dirname(__FILE__))}/core';" <<

这将创建一个名为 fire_event_no_wait 的方法,其行为类似于 watir 中的 click_no_wait.

this will create a method called fire_event_no_wait that behaves just like click_no_wait in watir.


Hope this helps anyone out.




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