商店用品 6 |克隆 CmsElement 并将 null 作为数据

Shopware 6 | Cloning CmsElement and get null as data(商店用品 6 |克隆 CmsElement 并将 null 作为数据)
本文介绍了商店用品 6 |克隆 CmsElement 并将 null 作为数据的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


我尝试克隆内容元素 image-sliderimage-gallery(两者都会出现错误)以扩展它们.首先,我注册一个新的 CmsElement,就像原来的 only 将名称从 image-slider 更改为 image-slider-example

I try to clone the content element image-slider or image-gallery (the error will come at both) to extend them. First I register a new CmsElement like the original only changes the name from image-slider to image-slider-example

import './component';
import './config';
import './preview';

    name: 'image-slider-example',
    label: 'sw-cms.elements.imageSlider.label',
    component: 'sw-cms-el-image-slider',
    configComponent: 'sw-cms-el-config-image-slider',
    previewComponent: 'sw-cms-el-preview-image-slider',
    defaultConfig: {
        sliderItems: {
            source: 'static',
            value: [],
            required: true,
            entity: {
                name: 'media'
        displayMode: {
            source: 'static',
            value: 'standard'
        minHeight: {
            source: 'static',
            value: '300px'
        verticalAlign: {
            source: 'static',
            value: null
    enrich: function enrich(elem, data) {
        if (Object.keys(data).length < 1) {

        Object.keys(elem.config).forEach((configKey) => {
            const entity = elem.config[configKey].entity;

            if (!entity) {

            const entityKey =;
            if (!data[`entity-${entityKey}`]) {

  [configKey] = [];
            elem.config[configKey].value.forEach((sliderItem) => {
                    newTab: sliderItem.newTab,
                    url: sliderItem.url,
                    media: data[`entity-${entityKey}`].get(sliderItem.mediaId)


Now It shows me the new element in the Shopping Experience, where I can use it.

之后,我为店面创建 cms-element-image-slider-example.html.twig 文件,该文件将由 Shopware 加载.

After that I create for the storefront the cms-element-image-slider-example.html.twig file, which will be loaded by Shopware.

{% sw_extends '@Storefront/storefront/element/cms-element-image-slider.html.twig' %}

{% block element_image_slider_alignment %}
        {{ dump(element) }}
    {{ parent() }}
{% endblock %}

现在我扩展了我从中克隆的原始店面元素,并添加了一个 dump 以查看所有数据.但是我有一个问题, element.datanull 但应该存储所有图像.

Now I extend the original storefront element from which I was cloning and add a dump to see all data. But there I have the issue, that the are null but there should be all images stored.



You need to create a data resolver which should look like:

<?php declare(strict_types=1);

namespace PluginNameCoreContentMediaCms;

use ShopwareCoreContentCmsAggregateCmsSlotCmsSlotEntity;
use ShopwareCoreContentCmsDataResolverCriteriaCollection;
use ShopwareCoreContentCmsDataResolverElementAbstractCmsElementResolver;
use ShopwareCoreContentCmsDataResolverElementElementDataCollection;
use ShopwareCoreContentCmsDataResolverFieldConfig;
use ShopwareCoreContentCmsDataResolverResolverContextEntityResolverContext;
use ShopwareCoreContentCmsDataResolverResolverContextResolverContext;
use ShopwareCoreContentCmsSalesChannelStructImageStruct;
use ShopwareCoreContentMediaMediaDefinition;
use ShopwareCoreContentMediaMediaEntity;
use ShopwareCoreFrameworkDataAbstractionLayerSearchCriteria;

class ImageCmsElementResolver extends AbstractCmsElementResolver
    public function getType(): string
        return 'image';

    public function collect(CmsSlotEntity $slot, ResolverContext $resolverContext): ?CriteriaCollection
        $config = $slot->getFieldConfig();
        $mediaConfig = $config->get('media');

        if (!$mediaConfig || $mediaConfig->isMapped() || $mediaConfig->getValue() === null) {
            return null;

        $criteria = new Criteria([$mediaConfig->getValue()]);

        $criteriaCollection = new CriteriaCollection();
        $criteriaCollection->add('media_' . $slot->getUniqueIdentifier(), MediaDefinition::class, $criteria);

        return $criteriaCollection;

    public function enrich(CmsSlotEntity $slot, ResolverContext $resolverContext, ElementDataCollection $result): void
        $config = $slot->getFieldConfig();
        $image = new ImageStruct();

        if ($urlConfig = $config->get('url')) {
            if ($urlConfig->isStatic()) {

            if ($urlConfig->isMapped() && $resolverContext instanceof EntityResolverContext) {
                $url = $this->resolveEntityValue($resolverContext->getEntity(), $urlConfig->getValue());
                if ($url) {

            if ($newTabConfig = $config->get('newTab')) {

        $mediaConfig = $config->get('media');
        if ($mediaConfig && $mediaConfig->getValue()) {
            $this->addMediaEntity($slot, $image, $result, $mediaConfig, $resolverContext);

    private function addMediaEntity(CmsSlotEntity $slot, ImageStruct $image, ElementDataCollection $result, FieldConfig $config, ResolverContext $resolverContext): void
        if ($config->isMapped() && $resolverContext instanceof EntityResolverContext) {
            /** @var MediaEntity|null $media */
            $media = $this->resolveEntityValue($resolverContext->getEntity(), $config->getValue());

            if ($media !== null) {

        if ($config->isStatic()) {

            $searchResult = $result->get('media_' . $slot->getUniqueIdentifier());
            if (!$searchResult) {

            /** @var MediaEntity|null $media */
            $media = $searchResult->get($config->getValue());
            if (!$media) {


如果您创建解析器,则需要在 src/Resources/config/services.xml

If you create your Resolver, you need to register the resolver in your src/Resources/config/services.xml

<?xml version="1.0" ?>

<container xmlns=""

        <service id="PluginNameCoreContentMediaCmsImageCmsElementResolver">
            <tag name="shopware.cms.data_resolver"/>

这篇关于商店用品 6 |克隆 CmsElement 并将 null 作为数据的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持编程学习网!



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